Journal: Transmuting Loss Into Love

Today was on of the best days I’ve had in a long time. Not because of what I did, but because of how present I was (am). I truly can’t believe how empowering it is to have access to the different levels of consciousness, especially the ones that we are not taught even exist.

Just want to express gratitude to whoever, or whatever, has allowed me to not just know it, but to experience it as often as I do.

I hope one day it becomes normal for a human being to live at higher states of consciousness and being. There’s more love here. Or rather, we can tap into the love that lives within from here.

Cause, just last week, I was not here. I was lost. I was in my pain body. I was triggered. And that’s okay. That part I’m learning. That it’s OKAY. That even being triggered is part of being on the right track.

That goal isn’t get rid of being triggered. That I can’t even DO that lmao. That the BEST shot I have is to transform any triggers into light. And to BE with it. And that, shit, it’s okay if I simply CAN’T deal with it.

Like, FUCK. Sometimes the pain is SO fucking deep that it STICKS. And it’s hard to shake. And the light and love is GONE. And it gets DENSE. And that’s when I start to panic typically. Especially if it sticks. And the usual tricks don’t work.

But, I’m happy to know that whether it happens in 1 second, or 1 month, I find my way back (even if it’s by accident or even if it takes me some time).

And what seems to work is to just be with it. To work through it. And if I need to run away…that it’s because the pain is deep. And that I’m looking for love. That I’m trying my best. As well all do.

Was in the presence of many different beautiful, touching spaces today. And I noticed how loss of something loved is closely tied to gratitude for what is loved.

That, the pain we feel when we lose something or someone we love, it has to do with how much we appreciate and adore that person or thing. And that it’s the appreciation and adoration that we can never lose, even if that person or thing goes away forever.

And that although it hurts to never interact with the person or thing in real life again, the LOVE and GRATITUDE and APPRECIATION for that thing can be accessed. And from there, the love you were once used to giving in real life, can still be given when it’s gone.

And that all the beautiful people who left you, or all the loved ones who’ve past away, that the pain of loss can be transmuted to beautiful love, just as it was before.

And that the tears that fall down your face are laced with immeasurable amounts of love that can never really be lost, even when the physical form we attach it to is.

Tap In. It all really does lie within. What they say - it’s true.