For The Next 4 Days I Will Get Up At 4:30am (cause the Navy Seals said so)

I've always romanticized over being a person that gets up super early every day their entire life. In my history, my life does seem to be better and more productive when I consistently wake up earlier. Yet, there are many times when I ditch that routine and replace it with the wake up whenever regimen. What I'm interested in now, is less of the image of someone who wakes up early, and more so the practicality, the benefits, of doing so.

As far as the whole "cause the Navy Seals said so" bit in the title, this 4:30am mission is inspired by the following two videos. I recommend watching the one on the left first.

The following message is for my fellow young people who are still floating around a bit in terms of career path and overall purpose. Said another way, if you're still transitioning from being a "kid" doing whatever you want and not having many life responsibilities (aka, pay bills, take care of other people, leadership positions, etc.) to being an "adult" then this is for you (and me).

In order to make things work in our lives, to have a home, to pay for stuff, to have relationships that function well, to be healthy, to have abs, to run a business: things must be done for a purpose, and often at the sacrifice of our kiddish way of life. 

It's a big pill to swallow, realizing that, shit, mom and dad aren't always going to pay the bills that allow me to play xbox live, eat good food, watch movies, and go on vacation. That's been the luxury of my childhood, and even now at 26 years old.

Because my extrinsic situation is one of comfort, I am not motivated to grow by my life situation. Unlike those who come from poverty, I am not motivated by poverty. Thus, I must either create my own external circumstances that force me to grow, or I must create intrinsic motivation. This is the "rich kid" dilemma. 

This has gotten a little off track, so let me bring it full circle.

What's the purpose of waking up at 4:30am the next 4 days? (bullet point style)

  1. to challenge myself and succeed
  2. to align myself with the frequency that super successful people vibrate at
  3. to create more structure in my day
  4. to show up for my clients with more energy, integrity, and power
  5. to get more done!

I know that in the short term, that being able to show off I wake up at 4:30am will be there. But, that's not going to sustain it. It must be driven by purpose. In the same way people get up at 6am in order to beat traffic and get to work in LA by 8am. I seek to wake up at 4:30am in order to get something done through purpose. Practical, not just image.

I guess...the question I should be answering is "what's practical about waking up at 4:30am?"

It will allow me to get things done earlier, which is when my energy, focus, and spirit is at its peak. I am 100% a morning person when it comes to taking action. The later it gets, the more lazy and restful I want to be. Bingo.

A Huge Thank You

At the time of writing this post, my success and public blueprint is very small. I want to thank everyone who reads these posts and is sending my positive energy. I'll be honest in that a lot of the content I create is self-serving. I promise that there will be a shift from things being about me to things being more helpful for you. 

Just bare with me!

Anyways, happy living!


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