Special Message #1: There's Nothing To Lose Other Than The Illusion Of Self

The "Special Message" Series was born on March 24, 2018 @ 8:58 PM. Each special message post will contain in it a random message for no reason other than to share it with the people. Enjoy!

Song Playing In Background: Big Shot by Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott (Black Panther Soundtrack)

There's Nothing To Lose Other Than The Illusion Of Self

Think of what typically stops us from taking action towards all of our dreams, wants, and desires. 

I'm talking about:

  • being a $1,000,000 per year earner
  • vibing the most attractive and confident women/man in the room
  • creating the body and health that makes us feel as sexy as possible

What stops us is fear. Fear of some kind of loss. Or rather, the illusion of loss. But if we break it down, what exactly do we really lose if we were to go after those aforementioned realities?

On a material level, we may lose all of our money and the luxuries that come with money. The idea of that may be scary. However, in the end, it's 100% in our control to rebuild our material lives if ever lost.

At worst, we lose our body and die. But, that's HIGHLY unlikely to happen for things like talking to the most attractive person in a room or making a million dollars per year.

What about on the internal side?

Internally (emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually), we lose...nothing. Yet, it is the internal side that prevents us from becoming who they want to be, and living the life we want to live. A life of full internal and external wealth. 

The illusion is that there is something to lose, which is the death of our identity. The identity feels, speaks, and is kept alive by the life of a belief. The identity believes wholeheartedly that there is something at stake. What's at stake is the belief itself, of which it holds dearly. In fact, the identity embodies the belief as if it is its body. If the belief is found out to be not true, the identity believes it's body will die. For the identity's life is dependent on the belief being true. 

The deeper illusion is that we ourselves believe we are the identity, and thus the belief that drives the identity. We identify as an idea, not as the creator of the idea itself. Instead of being the creator, we become the created, of which deep down you know is not really us.

We must remember who we really are.

We make the meanings. The meanings don't make us. We are the makers, not the made. The masters, not the puppets. 

This is our way home.