How To Write a Blog Post In 7 Minutes

The first thing you do is set a timer, or know when 7 minutes is up somehow. 

Second thing you do is just write. Write about whatever. Make sure you keep the time in mind. If you lose might have an incomplete post.

The next thing, really, even before you start, is get that there is no limitation to what a blog post has to look like. It's all determined by you, the creator.

Will every type of blog post get lots of hits and high audience retention? No. To which point writing a 7 minute blog may not be lead to the results you want.

But hey, I didn't say how to write an award winning blog in 7 minutes, did I?

That said...a blog written in 7 minutes could TOTALLY win an award.

Time has nothing to do with quality, per se. Or rather, it has nothing to do with potential.

I wrote my first ebook, "Marijuana Mindfulness" in practically one day. It took me a couple weeks to edit it and get the cover art finished. But, 90% of the published version was written in one day. Facts. 


That's pretty much all there is to it. You open your blog writing platform, you start writing. 

Pick a topic and just go. 

Let the 7 minute time container influence your writing decisions. 

And then...before you know it, 7 minutes is up and your done!

Like me!

Oh...and you may want to save 1 minute at the end to spell check and shit.

Or not. Like me.



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