Broke AF? Read This.

Yo. So this blog is gonna be written a little more casual than usual. I'm ditching the professional style in favor of a more personal flavor. Here we go.

Broke as fuck? That's what "AF" stands for if you didn't know. It's a millenial thing, don't hate. Anyways, if you're broke and want more money, you're in the right place.

You're already familiar with the same old shit. Can't afford to buy anything. Even the dollar menu from jack in the box is starting to feel like a luxury. Not only is your stomach starting to ache, so is your soul. When the hell is this going to change?

Get another job, you figure. Work more hours. That's the logical approach, right? Work more. But, the more you work the more you can't stand to work. Even then, you're not making THAT much more. 

Doing more of what you don't want to do just to make some money? Here's the suicide hot line if you need it. 1-800-273-8255. No joke, that's the actual number.

I don't mean to make suicide a joke, so excuse my sarcasm in using it to make a point. I actually do apologize if you or someone you know is in a state of suicide. Actually do get help if this is you. Not being sarcastic. Being empathetic, as I know people who have committed suicide and other that tried and "failed". I digress. 

This isn't a how to make more money post. This isn't about how to save either. Or to create more streams of income. No.

This post is about something else entirely in terms of ending your broke behaviors.

I can remember the day it all changed for me. It was like a fucking light bulb going off, no joke.

I had just watched this video on how to make more money. It was by this guy Stefan James. This guys is like 35, white, bald, decently good looking, and makes 7 figures with an online business. I figure what this dude has to say has merit, so I listen.

Mind you, I've read TONS of material on how to make money already. "You have to think in abundance" they say. Or "save this" or "do that". "Passive income is the way" and "You have to look at these four quadrants." To be fair, ALL of it is valid and valuable. The advice that is. Yet, I'm STILL mfuckin BROKE. The only thing I've gained more of is information on HOW to get money, but not ACTually making any.

Turns out, being broke isn't just about mindset or having little hours at work. It's deeper than that. And trying to change a habit or two or whatever the books recommended will work, but not until this ONE thing is altered first. 

The difference is that broke is a fucking lifestyle. You can't just change one thing in your broke life and expect to be rich. You literally have to change your ENTIRE life from being one of broke-ness to that of riches. 

The way you think, the way you give, the way you work, the way you open your potato chips. you can't stress over a dollar and expect to make a million.

My advice, and something that changed my life entirely? Give more. 

We don't give only when we don't have enough. Not giving affirms that there isn't enough. And we continue to live a "there isn't enough to go around" lifestyle. 

Now a days? I donate $5 here and $10 there to whatever charities show up. If you feed life, life feeds you. 

How the fuck you expect people to give to you if you don't give to people.

Look at this chain of interactions:

I earn $5 from a doordash delivery. Customer gives money to doordash, doordash gives money to me.

I give that $5 to man selling oranges on the street. 

I give those oranges to homeless people around the city.

That $5 from the man uses it to feed his family. 

That initial woman's five dollar turned into me giving 10 oranges away and a man feeding his family. AND she got food in return for her five dollars, AND doordash got money, and SOMEONE ELSE ate off of that money, and more and more and more and more.

BUT, if you don't give money, NOBODY eats. Not you, not anyone else. 

AND THATS WHY YOURE STARVING. You wont use a dollar to feed yourself, and nobody else eats either, and in return you dont get fed. 

What the fuck, right?

Yea. So you're doing it to yourself. 

SPEND that $10. SPEND IT.

Don't be an idiot and not make it back.

But you gotta spend it

You gotta keep growing.

If you don't spend it, you won't find a way to make more.

Don't be an idiot, like I said.

But don't be a fucking stingy bitch either.

Okay. This post got KINDA out of hand. And I think I got hypocritical at some points. But who cares.

GIVE MORE. That's the point.
