The "Post Content Everyday" Theory

"When you post content every day, someone way down the road IS going to come across your stuff. All it takes is ONE piece of content to make the difference for them.  JUST ONE." - Gabriel Santos

You're not posting for 1,000,000 views tomorrow. You're creating content to create an archive - a catalog of your works.

It's common to compare ourselves to our favorite content creators and think we need to post the type of quality content they do in order to make an impact - or gain a following. Creating these types of expectations on oneself can be paralyzing, effectively shutting down ANY possibility of generating the following and impact you know you're capable of. 

With the "post content everyday" theory, it's not about posting perfect, 5 star quality content all the time (although that's "ideal"). It's about posting content, in whatever way is most natural and authentic, at whatever level of quality you choose, EVERY DAY - consistently.

Not every day for one month and then stop. Every day. Shitty content over no content. At least give the people a chance to judge you and hate on you, as well as the opportunity to love and support you. 

If You Create It, Someone Will Consume It

There is an audience for everyone. Your videos may not attract 1,000,000 at first, it may never attract a million. But it will attract at least 1. And 1 become 2, becomes 100, becomes 1,000. However, the point is not about gaining numbers - per se. 

The point is that without content, you won't gain an audience and your message will not reach anyone. And if you don't post consistently, well, you'll never gain the engagement and traction that a loyal audience is born from. 

Consistency is A Leadership Quality, And Leadership is ATTRACTIVE

To create content is to lead. Like I said, there is at least one person who is at the perfect place and time in their life to receive your message.

There's something attractive about a person who creates on a consistent basis. Consistency is something people often yearn to embody, but have trouble sustaining. You're always at least one step ahead of someone in terms of growth, as well as one step behind. 

The person who is one step behind you will find your content and gain value. And once they have tapped you out, don't be sad if they leave. Do not worry, another person who's ready to hear you, and the message that will impact their life in the way they're looking for, will come across and replace the person that has moved on.

As You Grow, So Do The People Who Follow You

Here's the thing: the more you grow, the more people you're able to impact. The reality is that many people do not grow at the rate they desire. To be someone that commits themselves to daily growth, and hence daily content creation, well, you'll be a shining beacon for those looking to walk the same, or similar path as you.

Here's an alternative perspective for you: It is an honor to create content every day! The ripple effect, although unseen at times, is undoubtedly in effect every time you post positive, inspiring content. 

If "DAMN DANIEL!" Can Go Viral, Your Content can too - Just post every day

You have the power to impact the entire world with just your phone. That's not balogna, that's facts. The "DAMN DANIEL" video went viral and for 3 months everybody said that stupid f**king catch phrase - AND STILL DO. 

If something as nonsensical, empty, and 1 star quality can catch fire and cause MILLIONS OF PEOPLE to say a damn phrase, then your videos CERTAINLY have the same potential. 

Conclusion + Call to ACTION

Will you gain millions of dollars and subscribers over night, no. But who cares. Who cares about a million.

It's about PEOPLE. THEIR LIVES. And your ability to impact their life with your message, your content. 

Stop this whole trying to get a million followers in one try, and commit to the marathon known as "posting content everyday."

What's that you'll likely reach a million subscribers one day too. But you won't...not unless you post content. 


One day, a billionaire is going to search "how to make my six year old daughter happy." And if you had just made that damn video, it would have been you that the billionaire messaged personally and donated 1,000 to your channel - not the other person that was creating content everyday instead of you.