Why It's Urgent You Start Moving Towards Your Dreams NOW

Photo by BrianAJackson/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by BrianAJackson/iStock / Getty Images

Whether it's a millennial thing, a young thing, or a human thing, it's common to lack patience. We want abs tomorrow. We want to feel good now. We want success now. It's the classic conversation of short-term vs long-term gratification. 

The reality though is that most of our biggest goals are on the other side of patience. That's not a profound statement by any stretch. Yet, despite its obviousness, many of us fail to see our goals all the way through. 

The focus of this article isn't on how we fail. The focus of this article is to get real about how long it takes to make our dreams come true. REALLY real. No magic pills. No six pack in 6 minutes. No "if everything goes perfect with this network marketing thing I can be a millionaire in less than a year." Let's talk evidence based stuff.

I did basic research on a number of my favorite YouTubers who have created online business empires. People like Elliott Hulse and Stefan James. Or big timers like Grant Cardone and Gary V. If you're not familiar with these guys, take my word for it, they're all millionaires, a couple of them in the hundred millions.

Photo by BrianAJackson/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by BrianAJackson/iStock / Getty Images

In my research, I looked at their oldest posts. If you go back in the archives, you'll see they started over 5 years ago, most of them longer than that. And that's JUST when they started making YouTube videos. Who knows how long they were grinding before that. Likely 10, 15, even 30 years. 

THIRTY years. Now I'm not saying it's going to take that long. What I'm saying is that it's longer than just a year, even 2 years. It's a whole journey. There really is no end in fact. 

Here's the scary part, it's possible that you won't start your dreams until you're finally fed up with a life you've settled for. A life that made you feel safe. Whether you start now at 25, or later when you're 45, it's STILL going to take as long as it's going to take to make your dreams come true.



It doesn't matter if you can only allocate 1 hour a day. I know for a fact that MOST people, especially around the age of 21-25, have MORE than 1 hour to allocate toward moving forward in regards to their dreams.

In fact, the younger you are the better. Not only do you have more free time, you have less obligations and responsibilities to bog you down. No family, less bills, MORE time to make mistakes and explore opportunities. 


It's going to take YEARS. 


Do you fucking hear this? This is not meant to intimidate you, although it may. It's supposed to wake you up. If you don't start today, it's still going to take a year. BUT, if you DO start today, it will only take a year. 

Whether you start today or in 50 years, it will still take a year or five or twelve.

But, you'll never get there unless you START NOW. 

When you do start, the clock is officially on and the countdown begins. Then tomorrow you're a day closer. Then a year from now you're a year closer. 

Every year you delay this decision to start, is another year you could have been closer to your dreams.