Being Really Real. Yay For Transparency! #1

Hey all! Ah, it feels good to just write things out and not worry about making it sound good or editing it in a way that creates more sales or views. 

This whole running a blog, creating an online presence, and building an online business thing has been quite the journey so far. I love every second. It's both fun and challenging, in the most perfect way possible. 

This post includes less hard tools and concepts for you to take away from, and more so of what's been going on with me and things like that. 

In a recent post I mentioned I'd focus more on the audience and less on me. However, as suggested by one of my virtual mentors, Stefan James of Project Life Mastery, transparent documentation is apparently just as valuable to the audience as it is content creation. So here were are!

The first thing I want to be real about is that what I've done so far, and what I'm up to, is not special or amazing. Meaning, anyone can do it. I'm talking about making your first $1 online, losing weight, hiking up mountains and shit. Not special at all.  

This is not meant to downplay my success, but rather to remove the notion that making money online or running a successful online business is difficult and takes some super special person to do. It's just not true. In fact, it's way easier than I thought.

The biggest hurdle to jump is my own self-doubt and lack of taking action, really. That'll likely be yours, or anyone's biggest hurdle as well.

Another thing is that there's no amount of financial success or emotional praise/validation that could fill the feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction I feel at times. Being emotionally and spiritually filled, and being financially and materially successful, are two separate things. Embracing this fact is key for me. I encourage you to consider it as well.

Simply put, there's nowhere to go and nobody to become. I am perfect as I am, as are you. Whatever we decide to do, the actions we take, and the results we create, well they're just things we decide to create in our lives. They mean nothing about us intrinsically. We are much deeper than that, much much more than anything we can create out here in reality. 

That said, I am so excited and thrilled to succeed on the material plane. Cause I'll be real, we are living in a physical reality, and physical success is a big part of that experience.

So money, boat loads of it, women, sex, drugs, food, play, pleasure, all of that is part of the journey! To be ENJOYED. I'm so down, lmao. 

We were meant to enjoy the hell out of this life, man. Well, whether or not we were "meant" to, we can choose to! That's the overarching message here.

Something I learned from my personal development under Landmark Worldwide, is that it is the power of choice that's missing in my life philosophy. We choose, every moment, and every result we ever had and will have.

Choice and responsibility are somewhat correlated in this sense. Except choice is an even more grounded version of responsibility, in my opinion.

It's quite the mind fuck. If we're not making money at the rate or quantity we'd like, we're CHOOSING that. If we become millionaires in a year, we're CHOOSING that.

If we're fat and overweight, we're CHOOSING that. If we're <12% body fat and sexy as a mother fucker, we're CHOOSING that. 


I cannot stress how mind-blowing this discovery of personal choice is. It's transformed my entire life. It's what has me love every day of my life. It's what has me confident in the future I am creating. It's what has me feel more in creative control of my life than ever before - truly. 

God damnit, life is so damn beautiful. I can almost cry at the notion of it. Part of my dream IS to cry on a daily basis at how beautiful life is. Not just the way it looks, but life itself. 


Thank you for reading, hope you learned something. I look forward to your success, as I do mine.


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Gabriel Santos