Why Don't We Do What We Know?

There's a mass dilemma going on in the personal development world. It's called taking action. The self help industry is something like a X billion dollar a year industry. Millions books, video courses, and other products/services are being consumed. Yet, if I had to guess, the ratio of people who actually have the result they sought after by paying to learn how to do it is improportionalely balanced. For every 100 people that buy a book on "how to get 6 pack abs" MAYBE five people actually have abs. And I bet it's closer to 1 or 2. 

Same thing applies with any other goal people set out to achieve, and pay hundreds to thousands of dollars to achieve, yet they don't have it. 

So why is that? Why don't we do what we know?

Take my opinion with a grain of salt. I'm not here to convince you I'm right. I'm here to share a perspective, ultimately with the intention of having YOU be freed up to take action and get your results (if that's what you're looking for).

We're Not Taught How To Achieve Any Result

The education system is not predicated on teaching people how to get things done. We're not trained in a systematic way how to make our lives in alignment with our needs and wants. 

If you're lucky, you have parents that do that. Or maybe you might be driven to do it on your own. 

Point is that achieving results is a SKILL, and like anything else it must be trained and developed. 

If you don't know how to cook, you must train and develop yourself to cook.

If you don't know how to tie your shoes, same thing.

Now, instead of learning how to do a achieve certain skill, you're developing the skill to achieve anything.

So, people simply lack the training and development to achieve any goal. Cause if you can achieve one goal, you can achieve another goal, even if they're in two separate fields. 


People Become Hopeless When They're Missing a Piece To The Achievement Formula

Because we're not specifically trained in the art and science of achievement, we set out to achieve without having all the parts developed. Thus, when we don't get our results we lose faith in OURSELVES.

It's not YOU that lacks anything. It's that you don't have that missing piece of info in the achievement system.

Put it this way. 

So, to be fair, you're doing the best you can. The effort is there. BUT, you're missing a vital piece and you don't even know it. BUT because you don't know it, you figure it must be YOU. You feel that YOU are what's wrong here. No. 

There's something you don't realize is not working. 

Before You Set Out To Achieve ANYTHING Next, Set Out To LEARN A FULL-PROOF System That Produces Results At a High Rate

If you're someone who doesn't take action, it's cause you're not confident in your current system to produce results. 

You don't get lazy when it comes to tying your shoes. You know the full equation. Same goes for taking a shit. You KNOW how to achieve those results.

But creating a business? Not really. Losing 100lb? Not really.

Just know the STEPS to achieve a specific goal is one part. BUT there's MORE than that. THAT'S why you need to learn how to achieve any goal using a system.

Step 1 is knowing the blueprint to achieve a goal.

Step 2 is planning.

Step 3 is daily action.

Step 4 is dealing with your emotions.

Step 5 is X Y Z.

That's not a system to use. That's an example. But you see, KNOWING what to do in terms of instruction (like how to build a book shelf) is just one thing. But to actually get your ass up and DO those steps is a whole other process entirely. 

There is ONE book I recommend reading to learn all you need to know to achieve ANY goal. It's called THE LAW OF SUCCESS by Napoleon Hill. 

Here's a link: https://amzn.to/2KFXWZE


That's all :)

Much love,


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