How To Get Ahead In Life

Ah, yes. One of the classic topics in the self-help industry. If you're reading this, my guess is you're a go-getter. Meaning, you're someone who identifies as a winner and is interested in growing every day. If that's correct, then this is for you. If that's not you, don't worry, this article will serve you well.

Now, instead of sharing practical tips, like a time management tool or a 5-step process on how to get ahead in life, we're going to focus on the INNER game behind getting ahead in life.

We're gonna dive deep. Ready? Let's begin.

What Does "Get Ahead In Life" Mean?

When it comes to the INNER game of being ahead in life, here's your first golden nugget: There's nowhere to get. There is no such thing as being ahead.

If you've read "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, or if you've done any self-study on consciousness, you're well aware that the Present moment is all there is.

If that is foreign to you, I'll explain that next.

A Basic Understanding of Consciousness

As it pertains to this conversation, the basic definition of consciousness is your level of self-awareness in the given moment. Self-awareness defined as your ability to be detached to your thoughts and emotions. 

Another way to describe it is this. The more proactive you are in life, the more conscious you are. The more reactive you are, the less conscious.

Does life happen to you? Or do you make life happen.

At the low end of consciousness is victimhood. This is where depression lives.

At the high end of consciousness is oneness. This is where joy lives.

That's all still pretty...jargony and may not make sense if you've never heard of those terms before. But, it's a start. Let's move forward.

How Consciousness and Getting Ahead In Life Are Related

Consider that you don't need to know how to get ahead in life. Consider that all you need to know is there's nowhere to get. Now...what the fuck does THAT mean.

If you're an A-type personality, meaning someone who lives and breathes success and action, I challenge you to let go of success and focus more on Being.

Now, I don't mean stop caring about your goals or achieving for more material success. Let's face it, you and I both know you couldn't stop going for more even if you wanted to.

What I'm telling you is that you will gain MORE and achieve MORE as you focus more on Being. Now, what the fuck is "Being"?

Let's get into that now.

Success is action based. Being is spirit based.

What if I told you there's such a thing as effortless action. That you can get yourself to DO more while stressing much less. That the quality of your effort will RISE as a by-product of you Being.

The reality is that for you, success probably includes building a business, talking to tons of clients, facing tons of rejection, and waiting a LONG ASS TIME before you get the riches you're hoping for.

Meaning, the version of life you YEARN for is YEARS away.

Whereas, when it comes to Being, you can have that anywhere anytime. 

What is Being?

Being is when your awareness lies in the present moment, as it truly is. Being is when you're neither in the next moment, nor in the past moment.

Being is the experience of being Present. Being is being connected to the depths of Truth.

I may have said too much. Yet, I may have said too little.


What's my point here? Keep reading.

The Truth

The truth is that what you're after is not riches, or material success. The truth is that what you're after is a feeling. And the truth is that any and every feeling is available to you at any moment.

Our feelings, although often times a product of what's going on in the outside world, are actually from the inside out. Meaning, you can feel GREAT even if things are BAD on the outside.

So, consider that getting ahead actually starts with being where you are now and feeling how you want to feel as if you were ahead in life.

That getting ahead is some version of reality that you think you need in order to feel some sort of way. 

I promise you. The peace you're searching for. The love you're searching for. The freedom you're searching for. It doesn't lie in passive income or owning a big business. It lies in the connection to your spirit.

Your mind will tell you something different. But your know what I'm sharing with you now is true.

If you want to learn more deeply about what the fuck I was talking about this whole time. Check this book out.

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

I love you.

-Gabriel Santos