How To Create and Run a Blog: The Easy Way

Have you ever considered that all the things you want to do can be done in an easy way? For whatever reason, it's common for us to think things have to be hard, take tons of effort, and cause a lot of suffering. We place crazy standards on ourselves. If you want to create a blog and run one, it is a lot easier than you think. Here's what to do.

Find A Platform To Run Your Blog Off Of

The "pros" or "real" bloggers often use websites like WordPress or Squarespace. I believe you can create a WordPress page for free, whereas Squarespace is paid for. I'm confident you can find a plethora of free platforms to run your blog. Just google it. Better yet, here, I googled it for you.

Create A Structure To Post Blogs

As with most endeavors, if we don't plan out what we're going to do, we leave things up to how we feel or some other approach that likely won't create sustainability or consistency. 

If your blogging vision includes gaining a stable audience, creating and following a schedule is usually best. If you're going to blog for your own personal pleasure and self-therapy, than you can do it as you please. That's more of a journal, but it's all up to you.

The key here is to stick to the plan. Find a way to get it done. Blogging will take up time in your day and mind that wasn't there before. If you commit, you'll find a way to create that space to blog. If you don't, well like everything, it'll simply fall by the wayside. You know what to do - do it!

Get Over The Idea That You Need To Write A Certain Way

The BEAUTY of creating your own blog is that you get to make all the rules and set all the standards. Let me repeat, YOUR BLOG IS YOURS TO COMPLETELY OWN AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. 

There is no right way to write a blog post. My honest advice is for you to express yourself as naturally and comfortably as possible. Do you. Be you. That's when blogging, and life really, becomes fun. 

With Time and Consistency You Will Improve Effortlessly

I'm only three weeks into blogging on a daily basis, but it's become extremely easy already. It's not uncommon for me to spend only 30 minutes to write a blog, edit it, add pictures, and all that jazz.

Of course, I have my days of "writer's block" and lack of inspiration. In those days, I define success as posting ANYTHING on the blog. Doesn't matter if it's sh*t. Nobody is grading these blogs. It's just content. Who cares. 

You don't have to worry about becoming a top-notch blogger from day 1. Just commit to time and consistency and you'll get better without even "trying" to get better. 

Keep The Long-Term Impact In Mind

The beauty and brilliance of the internet is that things stay there practically forever. So, a blog post you write today will still be available to the entire internet world 25 years from now. You never know, from year 1 to year 25, who will come across your stuff.

If you only have five pieces of content because you quit too soon...well...that limits the potential impact you can make over time. But, if you have 1,000 pieces of're bound to not only impact someone's life, but be a driving force in the world. I'm not kidding. 

Start now! That way, a year from now, you'll have a healthy amount of experience, content, and potential life-changing impact to go around!


If you want to follow my blueprint, just start a blog and commit to writing and sharing a blog post every day. You'll get tons of reps, you'll grow a lot as a person, and you'll realize that running a blog is easy as f*ck. 

GO!!! You literally have nothing to lose.

Plus, it's fun to say you run a blog, and second, it's rewarding when people share the value they get from reading them. THIRD, it feels good knowing that you're LIVING the dream you have of running a blog. That's probably the biggest personal payoff. You get to LIVE it. 

GO LIVE IT! It's easy ;)