When Will I Return To Social Media?

The last 5 days I have been away from my personal Instagram and Facebook accounts - and it's been awesome as hell. Prior to this social media sabbatical, my average day on social media included sharing 5-6 posts and checking the app for no reason other than to get a sense of attention via likes and comments, as well as a weird emotional disturbance when a post got certain attention or not. It was all getting a little...odd for me, hence the sabbatical.

What I couldn't handle was the emotional instability caused be caring SO damn much about getting notifications. My sense of self-worth was intertwined with the meanings behind social media BS. I'm not blaming social media for this. It's just something that kind of happened over time, and it's my fault if anyone's. 

To be frank, I kind of LOVE not being a part of social media in the way that I was going about it. Which was using it as a measuring stick. I was 100% using it as a way to show off what I was up to. Meaning, many of my actions were secretly about what other people would think of me because of it. 

That's ALL fine, lol. I don't feel wrong about it. It's just what I'm seeing in hindsight. AND it's not what I care about moving forward. Cause what other people think, whether poorly or highly, has nothing to do with my purpose. My purpose revolves around impact, not the image I hold in people's minds. Although that's PART of it, that's not the end goal.

What matters more is that people's lives are moving to the next level according to their desires and their definition of what their next level is. That's ALL that really matters right now to me. 

That also includes the next-leveling of my own life. BUT, not so I can show it off. Rather, so I can enjoy the next level of my life for myself cause that's what I desire. 

In terms of getting back to my personal social media account, to be honest I'm not sure what I want to do yet.

I do know that I'm not interested in showing off anymore. Instead, I am interested in building a following of people that actually want to receive the information that I'm sharing. 

I care less about making sure people know what I'm up to, even for myself, and more so about other people being inspired and getting what they want for their life. 

Only if people are interested in knowing what I'm up to, and that truly inspires them, will I go back to doing that. 


I'm hesitant to go back to my personal IG account. On the one hand, it has more followers and already a collection of my work. Plus, the username is spot on and I like it.

On the other hand, I'd rather start fresh and grow a new account filled with my tribe and the people who are ready for my message and impact. Whereas the people already on my personal accounts kind of got there from my past, and are not necessarily there to be my audience and "client." Thus, they could be annoyed and bothered by my posting. 

In which case, they are 100% welcome to unfollow. I just don't want to deal with any negative BS or judgment from people who already know me, and could be holding me back energetically to move forward. But I guess that's kind of out of my hands?

I guess...if anything...what kind of sucks is not being supported and appreciated for who I am and what I'm up to. The thought of being judged and not believed in, especially by people who've known me, hurts. 

Like...they don't know what it takes to be this version of me. They want push me down instead of raising me up. They critique me instead of love me. They doubt me instead of believe in me. I just don't need it. 

I guess to answer the question of "when will I go back to using my personal social media account?" the answer is "To Be Determined."


See ya later!


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