The #1 Thing To Do After Self-Sabotaging Your Life For a Couple Weeks (maybe longer)

Well, that happened. You checked out. You stopped giving a fuck. You ditched your workout routine. Gave in to guilty pleasures - back to back to back to back days. Be honest, something wasn't right. Lost your fire. Moment of weakness. Old patterns. Whatever it is, it wasn't pretty, and you feel like all the hard work and growth you'd earned is gone.

You're weeks, months, maybe even years removed from the version of you that took inspired action and created jaw-dropping results. Embarrassed and ashamed, you may have tried to get it all back overnight. 

You might have created a brand new plan, or attempted to go back to how things were, but it's not working. You're starting to freak out - this is all too familiar.

DON'T WORRY. I get it. You're still getting used to the new you and the challenges it comes with.

The old you would go 1 month on, and 11 months off. The new you went 2 months on, and is currently at 1 month off. You're fine. This is a crossroads for you. It's called "how to move forward effectively."

So, here's my request. At least for the remainder of this blog post, stop trying to fix yourself, or find a solution, instead focus on connecting to how you feel.

The truth is that we don't feel good about having gone backwards. We're unhappy about binge eating fast food. We're pissed that we stopped blasting past our fears and instead settled for comfort and familiarity. Really FEEL that, and feel where that comes from.

In my experience, our soul, or our true self, is seeking to communicate through those feelings. They are not to be ignored, or judged, or changed. 

The UPSET, the ANGER, the SADNESS is real and is to be acknowledged and felt. Cause that's the truth. And there's nothing to do or change about those feelings. Quite the opposite. 

Without judgment, get to know how you're feeling about how your life has been going, the choices you've been making, and the results it's bringing you.

Worry not about trying to figure out what's wrong with you. Focus on how you feel about what's been happening.

CONNECT. Get out of your head. Get back to your heart. That's probably what was missing in the first place.

It can be a fruitless endeavor trying to THINK your way out of it. It can be unproductive to DO your way out as well. Especially if you've already tried to take action that burns out within days.

Consider that you must process your emotions first and honor them. Then, from there, when you can let them go, you'll be free to move on.

Try it. Let me know how it goes.

Much love,
