Dear Mac Miller,

Dear Mac Miller,

We never met, yet, the influence you’ve had on my life is real. This is the first time the death of a “celebrity” has had an notable impact on me. Emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, your passing has me thinking and wondering about things that death usually does. It also has me appreciating things that death usually does as well. You will never read this as a human being, but I choose to believe that on some level you can feel and receive the intention behind this letter. The underarching message is this: Thank you, you did it.

At 26 years old, it may seem like your mission was left incomplete. Like there was more you had to do. More you had to get done. There’s no doubt there was more you could have given, created, and produced. In terms of your mission though, your mission of being a positive influence in the world, it is complete.

I imagine, because I often think about this myself, that you cared what message or legacy your life will be remembered by when you died. And now that you are dead, I can confirm that at least for one person, your impact is felt and not in vain.

You may not be revered by as many people that keep the name of Jesus, MLK, or Buddha alive. But, I promise you, the impact of your life and what you did with it is positive and productive.

And although it is tragic that you will no longer here to actively push a message, or create more inspiration, your impact is felt even though you are not here.

You can rest now. You did your part. That’s all that matters. And although what you stand far may not be attached to your name directly, know that what you stand for is constantly fought for.

I’m putting words in your mouth, but if I had to guess, what you stand for is the love and happiness for all people. That if you could wave a magic wand, you’d say yes to that proposition.

There are millions of people on Team Love, and it’s sad as fuck to hear that one of the captains of the team has passed away. But, surely, someone will step up and replace your role as to keep the Team strong and the mission going.

You will be remembered always. May wherever you are, and whatever it’s like, be better than you could have imagined. It’s what you deserve.

Thank you.

