The Free Weekly Planning Workbook I Used to Lose 5% Body Fat, Gain 8 Coaching Clients, and Write My First Book (by

People overestimate what they can do in one year & underestimate what they can do in ten years.
— Bill Gates
If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.
— Anthony Robbins



Whether it's a YouTube video, blog post, or free download, what I love about the internet is the access to free, quality resources. If you aren't familiar, many online businesses acquire new customers by giving away "free gifts" in exchange for an email. Some of these "free gifts" are quite shitty, to be honest. Some, however, are actually damn good. The "Weekly Planning Process" by Live Your Legend (LYL) is an example of a damn good, free resource (download instructions in the next section).

According to LYL, this is the same weekly planning process that Tony Robbins uses. Whether that's true or not, I can attest to the results a person can get if they use it. It's the same process that empowered me have lose 5% body fat, publish my first ebook on Amazon, and make my first passive income dollar online. It's worth a shot!

How To Download Your Free Copy Of The Weekly Planning Process Workbook

To download "The Weekly Planning Process" workbook follow these instructions:

  1. visit this link:
  2. scroll down a touch
  3. click the green button that says "Download The Free Live Your Legend Discovery Pack"
  4. enter your name and email
  5. go to your email
  6. find the email from Live Your Legend that includes your Discovery Pack
  7. download the "Weekly Planning Process" pdf from that email!

The Gist Of How It Works

The total process takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour to complete. The length of time depends on your intention and personal agenda. It's fun, easy, and therapeutic in a way.

Prior to using this process, I was not taking the time to mindfully plan out my weeks in correlation to my deepest desires. Things like 5-10 year goals. Things like creating an online business, being in my best physical shape, reading a book (or the long list of book) that I've been stuck on chapter 2 for months now, or creating a romantic relationship.

That's why many people go year after year only moving forward an inch in terms of their biggest dreams, yet they spent the entire year doing a lot of stuff I'd assume. Simply put, we don't spend our time and energy on doing what we ACTUALLY need to do to move forward. Instead, we stuff ourselves down with 100 mini tasks instead of 1 big task.

By Using This Process, You'll Go From Being a Procrastinator to a Visionary!

If you've ever read "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey, you're familiar with his famous Time Management Matrix (TMM). Covey organizes time based on how urgent and important an action item is. If you've never heard of the book or the concept, I'll explain it briefly below. For the sake of understanding the power of the Weekly Planning Process, know that doing it will allow you to focus your time and energy on actions that ACTUALLY matter. In terms of the TMM, you'll be switching your energy from Box I, III, and IV to Box II. 

  • Box I = Important, Urgent = The Procrastinator (e.g. late for work, last minute project)
  • Box II = Important, Not Urgent = The Visionary (e.g. paper due in a week, exercising)
  • Box III = Not Important, Urgent = The Yes Man (e.g. distractions, checking phone constantly)
  • Box IV = Not Important, Not Urgent = The Slacker (e.g. video games all day, netflix binging)

If you're a visual learner, use the pictures below to understand this Time Management Matrix:





Pretty cool shit, huh!

Call To Action!

Without mindful, intentionally planned action, we are vulnerable to doing a bunch of stuff that moves us toward our dream life. Even as I'm 10% away from completing this blog, my mind and habits urge me to check that text I got 5 minutes ago, or do a social media checking blitz.

Do your soul a favor and try this "Weekly Planning Process" out. Make next week the most productive week you've ever had!! Move one step closer towards you year end goal. 

It's fun, therapeutic, and WORKS. Your call ;)

If you want to take your Time Management skills even further, I highly recommend you read Chapter 4 of "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." 

Buy the book using this link:

Or find a free pdf version online somewhere!

Much love,


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